At the annual general meeting held on 18 February 2020, at Villa Park, Birmingham all the resolutions were duly passed. This included a combination of ordinary and special resolutions as detailed below in the minutes.
Thank you again to all those members who either attended in person or submitted their preferences in advance of the meeting.
Aston Villa Supporters Trust
Peter Warrilow as Chairman of the Trust welcomed the members to the AGM and then acknowledged the contributions of the retiring directors. Howard Hodgson had served as a director for 6 years but was retiring mainly for logistical reasons, during his time as a director Howard had provided tickets and hospitality packages to Trust members. He had also promoted the trust through his media contacts and more recently had produced the very welcome podcasts along with Jonny Gould. Stuart Griffin was also retiring and had previously written extensively for the website and had been particularly useful during the turbulent times which marked the end of the Lerner era.
Peter also praised the work of the continuing directors, particularly Mo Razzaq for his work with the fans liaison and Neil James for publicising the Trust particularly around the ground. He also reported that the website and the membership database had been updated during the year and this had involved a great deal of effort from various directors with special reference to Simon Goodyear in relation to the membership database.
Formal Meeting
Ordinary Resolutions
- The members resolved to approve the financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2018.
- The members approved the membership subscriptions as determined by the society’s board as proposed by Kris Carr and seconded by Trevor Fisher
- The members approved the re-election of the following director
- Karl Bowater as proposed by Simon Goodyear and seconded by Mo Razzaq
- The members approved the election of the following directors
- Nigel Canin as proposed by Jonny Gould and seconded by Brent Aston
- Stuart Paul as proposed by Peter Warrilow and seconded by John Taylor
Special Resolutions
- By special resolution the members approved the non-requirement to conduct an audit of the accounts covering the financial year ending on 31st December 2019 and to re-appoint an independent examiner.
The chairman opened the meeting to questions and encouraged members to come forward with ideas for promoting the Trust and increasing the membership.
Brent Aston raised the issue of an opt in to membership via the season ticket renewal that had been raised with Christian Purslow last year. The chairman felt that this would produce the same response again as the club does not want to appear to favour one supporters group above the others. However this would be raised with the club.
Trevor Fisher asked whether the Trust’s details were still listed by the club and this would be investigated.
The level of membership was questioned and Simon Goodyear reported that it remained fairly stable as often people applied to join the Trust but did not pay their subscription and therefore did not actually become members.
On the question of liaising with other fans’ social media sites, it was noted that the Trust had more social media followers than members and it needs to find a way to encourage these followers to actually join the trust.
The meeting was then declared closed.