Minutes from the Trust Board meeting held on 21st March 2023.
Present: Mo Razzaq (MR), John Taylor (JT), Stephen Morley (SM), Stuart Paul (SP) and Ben Smith (BS), Karl Bowater (KB)
- Apologies
- None
- Minutes of last meeting
- No matters arising
- Finance & Company Secretarial
- Accounts and Annual Return for 2021 had been filed and with FCA and had been accepted.
- JT confirmed he now had on-line access to the bank account and that the current balance was £9,871.01
- JT advised that in order to proceed with changes to bank mandate he was contacting Peter Warrilow to sign a form as he was still an authorised signatory.
- Membership
- The membership system was still with Club Collect and there 592 members as at 01/03/2023 of which 158 were 10 year members, 372 were annual members and 62 were life members,
- BS advised that he would be meeting Love Admin and Fulham Supporters Trust to see how the system works and that would also be contacting other trusts to see how they manage their membership systems.
- BS also advised he would be looking at the subscription fees of other PL trusts as part of his review of the current subscription model
- Club Liaison
- MR reported that last meeting of the FCG had taken place which had discussed the implementation of the new Fan Advisory Board as required under the new PL Fan Engagement Standard.
- Club had stated that the FCG had provided a good basis for the FAB but was looking at wider representation as it did not want the FAB to be seen as a closed shop.
- The first meeting of the new FAB would be in April with Paul Tyrell as the club’s designated representative and with Lee Preece as Chair.
- The last FCG had been held at Bodymoor Heath and Johann Lange had given some insight to the Academy. Also the FCG had been given some insight into the works of the coaches.
- There was no news from the club regarding season ticket renewal prices.
- Volunteers
- MR reported that he had spoken to other FCG members about working together and possible co-option to the board, He would follow this up and invite them to next meeting.
- MR advised that he emailed the members who had expressed an interest in volunteering at the AGM. He had no comeback as yet but would chase these members again.
- Community
- SM had not heard back from a possible media relations contact but would try and reach out again.
- MR suggested that the Trust have a nominated charity to support for a year. JT to confirm that this would be in line with Trust rules.
- BS said he would be willing to help with engagement with the Villa Foundation.
- Heritage
- SP proposing a heritage walk as part of club’s 150 anniversary
- 150 anniversary to be raised at next FAB meeting.
- SM to reach out to Carl Chinn for further input.
- FSA Liaison
- KB to distribute FSA survey.
- Still awaiting confirmation of Coronation Weekend fixtures.
- KB to catch up with FSA in Italy with England.
- Any other business
- Safe Standing areas had been designated as Upper Holte and Doug Ellis for away fans and that authorities looking to impose the 1 for 1 arrangement although club preferred 1 for 1.8 arrangement.
- MR awaiting club response on the Holte Survey that had been issued.
- KB felt that club should be approached about match day capacity of Holte Suite as he felt it could be increased.
- BS asked that club be approached about women’s sizes for the recently launched retro range.
- Date of next meeting
- Tuesday 23rd May at Holiday Inn Birmingham at 7.30pm
- Invite to be sent via Google Calendar