The AVST wanted all Aston Villa fans to be aware that there is a ‘Fans for Diversity Fund’ available if any fans have any ideas to prompt diversity at Villa Park.
The Football Supporters’ Federation (FSF) and Kick it out have teamed up to work on the FSF’s new fans for diversity campaign. The campaign will work with all aspects of diversity not only to highlight the many challenges but also to celebrate how football brings people together.
The campaign will give fans an opportunity to highlight pro-diversity in their own way through the fans initiative fund. They have a small budget to offer to supporters who would like to engage in producing events and activities that all promote pro-diversity. Fans can be creative and work on specific forms of diversity and discrimination or diversity as a whole. This would be a significant way in proving how fans can come together in making football as inclusive as possible and highlight the challenges that we face around discrimination.
Ideas include using t-shirts, banners, flags also organising conferences, fans matches, marches, a fan mosaic, and a buddy system where fans find people within the community who have never attended a match before and they share the new experience with them.
If you’re at school or university, maybe you could use the fund to help with something you’re planning there?
Maybe you need some extra funds for a banner at Villa Park or to use at Birmingham Pride?
The idea is that it will give supporters the ownership to do something that will bring together the club, the community and the fans. All fans young and old have many differences and that should never be a barrier in supporting the team you love most.
Everyone who takes part in our fans initiative fund will have all their work highlighted on the FSF, Kick it Out and AVST media channels, and I’m sure the club and local media will also help promote any initiative.
If you have an idea and would like to get involved please get in touch and we can help you in terms of applying for the fund and also making it happen. UTV